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Canadian Snowbirds Act

There’s some good news for Canadians who have second homes in Florida.



This week, Florida’s two senators, Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, introduced legislation that would allow Canadian citizens over the age of 50 who either own or rent a home in the US to remain in the country for up to 8 months, two months longer than is currently allowed.





According to Marco Rubio and Visit Florida, an estimated 3.5 million Canadians visit every year and contribute $6.5 billion a year to Florida’s economy. We all know that tourism is a crucial part of Florida’s booming economy. The fact of the matter is, without our neighbors to the north many of our beloved mom-and-pop shops and family-owned restaurants would be unable to stay in business. Snowbirds coming south for the winter months is a huge contributor in helping local businesses and creating jobs. If this bill passes, it will be a win-win for Canadians and for Florida.

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